
Porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations unite a natural appearance with superior performance to produce functionally outstanding Metal Ceramic solutions. PDA Dental Laboratory offers a fine selection of alternatives to consider, and each comes with an assurance that the alloy and porcelain they contain meet or exceed both FDA and ADA specifications.

We also have the expertise to help you make the right choice for any given set of circumstances, should you desire it. Like you, we want to make sure the job gets done right the first time, and that everyone comes out feeling like a winner.

Beryllium Free Non-Precious: Porcelain-fused-to-Non-Precious-metal restorations have a longstanding place in the dental community. Their functionality, reliability and affordability frequently make them the preferred choice. They are particularly well-suited for long span bridges. You can also add a porcelain shoulder to further enhance the appearance of it.

High Noble White Gold: High Noble White Gold provides all the advantages of High Noble Yellow at a lower cost. This product is ideal for single crowns and short span bridges.

High Noble Yellow Gold: High Noble Yellow Gold provides pleasing esthetics and increased functionality. When the patient’s occlusion dictates a full metal restoration, many dentists will give the nod to a warm high-noble alloy.